What is the body fat standard for women?
There is no definitive answer to this question, but the Nuli team recommends a healthy body fat range of 20-25% for women. Both excessive and insufficient body fat can have negative impacts on the body.
Now, we no longer use “body weight” as an indicator of how fat or thin a person is, but rather “body fat percentage”! Many girls look very thin, do you think they are very healthy? The answer is not necessarily yo, because many people look very thin, but in fact, very little muscle mass, body fat ratio is relatively high, if so, is the typical “puffy people” in fact is not a healthy type!
What is the recommended health standard for a woman’s body fat percentage?
The answer is that there is no single standard answer, as it varies with age and other factors, but the Nuli team recommends a healthy range of 20-25% body fat for women. Too much or too little body fat can have negative effects on the body.
- Too much body fat: 27% or more
Having a high body fat percentage increases the risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, including stroke.
- Low body fat: 17% or less
Having a low body fat percentage could affect hormones, which might lead to irregular periods, missed periods, or emotional instability.
Achieving a healthy body fat percentage not only results in a better-looking physique but, more importantly, contributes to having a healthier body.

How can you effectively build muscle and reduce fat?
Concept 1: Calorie Deficit
Calorie Deficit = Calories consumed > Calories taken in per day
Calorie deficit means that you consume fewer calories than you burn each day. However, simply eating fewer calories is not enough for effective fat loss. If you consume too few calories without paying attention to your protein intake, you may end up losing muscle instead of fat. Therefore, it is important to have a balanced diet that includes high-quality protein.
How to eat less healthy?
It’s important to focus on consuming nutrient-dense, whole foods rather than processed or unhealthy sources of food, even if you’re consuming fewer calories overall. This will ensure that your body is getting the nutrients it needs to maintain muscle mass and support fat loss.
Concept two: Developing Exercise Habits
Without exercise, relying solely on diet is likely to result in a thin but untoned body or muscle loss instead of fat loss. Regular resistance training stimulates muscle growth, leading to physical changes that can help you achieve a lean and toned physique.
How often should you engage in resistance training?
At least three times a week is recommended for effective fat loss. To enhance the results further, consider adding some cardio. Unarmed weights, levers, dumbbells, or gym equipment are excellent options for resistance training.
If you’re not sure where to start with resistance training, try the unarmed training plan on the Nuli app. It can help you create a weekly exercise routine that’s right for you.
Concept 3: Drink plenty of water
Plain water, unsweetened coffee, and tea cannot be replaced when it comes to the importance of hydration for maintaining body metabolism. Drinking enough water can also reduce water retention, which may cause edema if not addressed over time.
Lastly, the most important piece of advice is that a good physique not only looks good, but it also promotes a healthy lifestyle.
The most important advice to everyone, a good physique, in addition to looking good, more importantly, you will get a healthy lifestyle!